
For years, Latinos have been tremendously underrepresented in Hollywood and the comic book industry. Active voices like Eva Langoria, Gina Rodriguez, Jennifer Lopez, Andrew Rivera of NowThis Nerd, and others have discussed this topic.

It’s been my driving motivation to create the projects that I’m presently working on. Growing up, I’ve never recalled seeing a Latino superhero or superheroine onscreen or comic books—nothing like a Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman type.

And from a business aspect, there weren’t any action figures, toys, or video games representing the Latino community.

So in college, around 1985 – 1986, I decided to create my very own character. With many revisions over the years to the look and backstory, I created FUERZA. My very own Latina superheroine of Puerto Rican descent. Many years later, I created another Latina female action heroine of Mexican descent, AGENT GARCIA.

I’ve finally produced two comic book titles called RAGE IN THE SHADOWS, the story of Agent Garcia, a genetically enhanced Federal agent, and FUERZA, Earth’s mightiest superheroine.

At the same time, I’ve been creating 3D versions of both characters to produce 3D animated versions of both titles. 

I hope you follow us along this journey to enjoy action-packed stories featuring Latino led characters. And even if you’re not Latino, I hope you’ll enjoy the content produced. Welcome aboard! 👍🏼

-Ralph Henriquez, HenryQ Productions, LLC, CEO
